好聲樂集室內樂團 為發掘青年作曲家,透過本團青少年演奏家的詮釋,為新生代作曲家發聲,進一步促進本團與國際創作力量的接軌,挖掘出能成為經典的弦樂曲目,為臺灣文化注入新活力,並在全球音樂舞台上展現新生代的創作力量。
2024 Sounds Good Rising Star
New Composition from International Young Composers
The "Sounds Good Chamber Orchestra" aims to discover young composers and give stage to the new generation of composers through the interpretations of our Youth Strings Ensemble.
It further promotes the integration of the ensemble with international creative forces and explores talents. We hope these new works will become popular for the string repertoire, injecting new vitality into Taiwanese culture and demonstrating the creative power of the new era on the global music stage.
The selected works will premiere at the Taipei National Concert Hall and Weiwuying Performance Hall in 2025 at the "Voice Rising Stars – Voice Rising Stars Concert".
報名資格/Age Limite
Those under 35 years old and born after December 31, 1990.
徵選內容/Composition content
1. 一首弦樂團8分鐘內的原創作品,以弦樂五聲部形式創作。
2. 樂團編制為:第一小提琴(6)、第二小提琴(5)、中提琴(4)、大提琴(4)、低音提琴(2),實際演出編制可能依現場調整。
1. An original composition for string orchestra within 8 minutes, composed in the form of string five parts.
2. The composition of the orchestra is: 1st violin (6), 2nd violin (5), viola (4), cello (4), double bass (2). The actual performance composition may be adjusted on site.
3. 報名網址:https://forms.gle/oUT6va7stkUA4dGt9
1. Registration from now open until December 31, 2024.
2. Registration fee:NT$1,000 (US$30)
3. Registration URL: https://forms.gle/oUT6va7stkUA4dGt9